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North-South Risk

Risk Factor

London is home to many of the UK’s most productive sectors, including technology and finance, which has located many industries in the south (2). Through this, the south has increased employment opportunities and the north of England is suggested to be less wealthy (2,3). A lack of income and unemployment, which people in the north are more likely to experience, can be risk factors for mental health.

Furthermore, the north has also experienced less government funding for services such as education, transport and policing (4). Not having adequate education or transport and having unsafe communities can also be risk factors for mental health.



1.        Martin RL. The Political Economy of Britain’s North-South Divide. Trans Inst Br Geogr [Internet]. 1988 Jan 7;13(4):389–418. Available from:

2.        McCurdy C. Why North-South is not England’s only divide. BBC [Internet]. 2019 Dec 4 [cited 2021 Feb 11]; Available from:

3.        How employee numbers have changed in the north since 2009 [Internet]. Office for National Statistics. 2015 [cited 2021 Feb 11]. Available from:

4.        Bounds A, Tighe C. North-south divide opens up in England’s public spending. Financial Times [Internet]. 2018 Dec 5 [cited 2021 Feb 11]; Available from:


This Conceptual Framework for Public Mental Health is an interactive web-based tool that brings together evidence from academic research, reports, and practitioner and public consultations to map out the factors affecting mental health across all stages of a person’s life, including links to key evidence and lived experiences.

It has been developed as part of the NIHR School for Public Health Research Public Mental Health Programme.

Find out more here.

Conceptual Framework: © University College London & University of Cambridge

Design & illustrations: © Laura E. Fischer & Bobbie Galvin

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